'Catch me if you can', designed by Olivier Kuntzel and Florence Deygas. Wonderful illustration, yummy typo accompanied by a sweet & exciting John Williams tune. So good.
'Up in the air' by Shadowplay studio (the same folk that made the opening sequence for 'Thank you for Smoking', also a good one). Simple and elegant with timeless aerial photography, clean typo and a zesty 'This land is your land' cover by Sharon Jones and the Dap Kings.
Bond movies traditionally have rocking opening title sequences, but 'Goldfinger' might just be my favorite. It's classic Bond: simple, elegant & thrilling. And, as far as opening songs to Bond movies, Shirley Bassey can't be beat.
'Barbarella', simply because no-one can sensually strip out a space suit in zero-gravity like Jane Fonda can. Watch it here.
'Seven', by Kyle Cooper. It looks a bit dated now, with all the layer work and the scratchy-scribbly typo, but back in 1995, it was thrillingly innovative. For me, it was a definite kick in the butt, sparking my aspiration to become a graphic designer. The reason why it lost its original impact, is simply because it has been copied a gazillion times ever since.